So, what keeps RxAxLxF busy currently?
One of the current main theme’s in RxAxLxF‘s artistic work is perception.
Perception of the messages mass-media deliver and the way they deliver it. As example, since 2010 RxAxLxF is experimenting with ‘Paintographs’, digital paintings made on the base of photographs. With Paintographs he experiments with the perception of realism in visual media, especially still Photography.
The controversies surrounding Perception can also be found in the choice of subjects in his work.
As RxAxLxF spend more than a decade living and working in Africa, a lot of his work is about the perception of Africa, particular by non-Africans. Since long, Africa is a place where many ideas and emotions have been projected on. The (mis)perceptions about Africa have lead to several series, from the series ‘Africa that was / Arrested development’, about stolen African identity materialized in stolen African religious artefacts to ‘How to party in Africa’, about having fun in a continent perceived to be hell on earth by most of the outside (-Africa) world.
Have a look here at the final artworks of:
The Africa that was / Arrested development
How to party in Africa
In the series ‘Tarmac Heroes’ he tries to highlight the fighting spirit of Cyclists. As professional cycling sport is perceived to be one of the most corrupted and doping-infested professional sports, RxAxLxF focuses on the origins of the sport. Despite all doping scandals, an athlete still has to fight a mental and physical battle. At the same time, the doping scandals in cycling sport are also a mirror of the society it takes place in, which longs for ‘more & more and higher & higher’ and the huge commercial interests connected to it. By depicting the cyclists as man-machine heroes, RxAxLxF reflects on the perceptions of heroism and commercialism.
Have a look here at the final artworks of:
Tarmac Heroes
Read more about Paintography here.
See more about Paintography here.